Archive for February 15th, 2007


v-day recap

February 15, 2007

Yesterday could have been the best Valentine’s day ever. Because of the snow, I went to work very early, and came home before lunchtime, when the blizzard really started to kick in.

We had lunch with my sister and our friend M, and then watched a couple of movies. FYI: I still hate period piece movies that use popular music (and in the case of Marie Antoinette, a pair of Chuck Taylor’s were in her shoe closet and while cute for a second, mostly that kind of stuff just pisses me off) as a soundtrack. My least favorite movie, ever? Moulin Rouge.  One of S’s favoritist movies ever? Moulin Rouge.  I should be fair though, I actually have not seen the entire Moulin Rouge movie. I can only watch pieces of it at a time until it starts to really annoy me (which happens pretty quick. If watching from the beginning, the first major annoyance is when they start singing Nirvana’s “Smells like Teen Spirit.) I think S liked Marie Antoinette better than I did but I think outside of the great costumes, I think we both thought that it was pretty weak. 

For those keeping track (or stalking my likes and dislikes) we also didn’t think much of the film version of Running with Scissors.  Oh yeah. We started our movie fest attempting to watch a recent Kate Clinton stand-up gig for the now defunct HERE TV, and uh. Well. We watched for 20 minutes hoping that something that came out of her mouth would be funny. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Just…so not funny. Oh well.

As for giftage? We don’t really do a big deal on V-day. We both made each other homemade cards, and as a gift S got me a box of Conversation Hearts. Not just any Conversation Hearts, mind you. A box filled with only the white hearts, which are minty, and my favorite, and the only flavor of heart that I like.  Apparently she bought a bag of the things, and a box, and fished out all the white ones, and then re-sealed the box up. So so sweet.

That girl must really really love me.

Did I mention the beautiful snow? It seriously is a beautiful beautiful day outside. The sun is shining, and it’s cold and crisp. I know I bitch a lot, but man….I do love me some winter.